Meniere's Disease Part 2
The vertigo had stopped just as suddenly as it had started. Other than the slight tinnitus, I was symptom free. I decided that the medication the doctor gave me must have done the trick and I was cured. I was wrong. Imagine taking off in an airplane. As you climb in altitude, the pressure inside the plane changes which affects your ears. You feel fullness and it's hard to hear. The solution is simple; you yawn and they pop. The pressure is gone and your hearing is restored. But what if the solution doesn't work? Then what? The pressure continues to build which increases your level of discomfort. You yawn again without success. You switch tactics and swallow. Success! Ears have popped, the pressure and discomfort are gone, and you can hear again. Five minutes of discomfort and you're good for the duration of the flight - or at least until it's time to descend. I was 18 years old, ...