Meniere's Disease Part 3
"The cause of Meniere's disease isn't understood. One popular theory that hasn't been proved is that Meniere's disease appears to be the result of the abnormal amount of fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear. This often shows on autopsies, but it's not clear that it causes the episodes. Factors that affect the fluid, which might contribute to Meniere's disease, include: Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality Abnormal immune response Allergies Viral infection Genetic predisposition Head trauma Migraines Because no single cause has been identified, it's likely that Meniere's disease results from a combination of factors" ( Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017 ). I was two months into following a low sodium diet and had a pretty good handle on what I was eating. I bought a low sodium cookbook and was making homemade bread and other foods that I had gone without. I started reintroducing foods that I ha...