
Hi.  I'm Tracy.  I'm a stay-at-home mom with 4 amazing children and an even more amazing husband.  I'm happy with my life, but something is missing.  My body doesn't function the way it should.  After doing a lot of research, I've decided to change my life through my eating habits.  I don't want to be that person who only posts on social media about how amazing their diet is, so that's why I'm here.  I want to chronicle my journey and share it with those who want to hear it.  I'm not trying to convince anyone that their life would be better if they ate the same way I do or that I'm somehow better for my food choices.  Instead, I'm going to share the affect that certain foods have on me because maybe, just maybe, they have the same affect on you.

Right now I'm following a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet.  It's similar to a Ketogenic diet, but not as strict with the carb consumption.  Strict Keto tends to be less than 20 grams of carbs a day.  I did follow a strict Keto, but after a few weeks, I started feeling off.  I'll explain more in later posts, but for now I'm at about 50 grams a day.  I've removed sugar (except a small amount of Stevia), grains, fruits, and dairy.  I've increased my saturated fats quite a bit and eat about the same amount of protein as before.

While I'm satisfied with the overall changes to my health (I have so much energy now - yay for fat burning!), I still feel off.  So here's where my journey begins.  I want to heal my body, balance my hormones, and overall reset my body through food.  I've found two wonderful resources that I'll be switching between until I've researched it enough to feel confident moving forward with one.  The first is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) which is an elimination diet to discover what are the triggering foods and the second is The Keto Bundle which is a mapped out eating plan that will heal your body.  They're both very similar which is why I think I'll be switching around.

Well, I think that's a good start.  I'm not going to guarantee a new post every week or anything like that because it's going to be based on how I feel.  Maybe after a few posts and I get everything out there, I'll lose steam, but I hope not.  I want to be able to look back on these posts and see the path I took and be able to make corrections or see my progress.  One thing is for sure, I won't stop working until I find the answers that I'm looking for.  Maybe they'll be in books or maybe I'll end up with a nutritionist or somewhere else, but I know the answers are there, I just have to find them.

The Keto Bundle
The Keto Diet*
Healthful Pursuit
Keto for Beginners
Keto Clarity*
The Autoimmune Fix*

*These were available through my city's public library


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