
Showing posts from January, 2018

Review of "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans" by Maria and Craig Emmerich

I started following a ketogenic diet about 7 months ago. I lost 15 pounds quite quickly, but then I started to feel... off. Without going into details, I'll simply say that last month it got to the point where I was starting to think something was seriously wrong and was researching doctors. Then I was given the opportunity to read Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans  by Maria and Craig Emmerich. I've been researching the ketogenic diet for quite awhile so when I started this book, I was a little skeptical that there was anything else I could learn. Not only was I wrong, but I also realized that a lot of what I had previously learned wasn't correct.  Craig and Maria have done a wonderful job breaking down the science in a way that's easy to understand. Their knowledge and experience show you how to be successful on keto and how to break through plateaus so you can achieve your health goals. Thi...

My History with Depression

Eight years ago today my husband left for a 7-month deployment.  We had two kids under 3 and I was pregnant with number 3.  My mom wanted us to move in with her while he was gone, but I thought I would be okay.  I was not.  This wasn't my first time dealing with depression, but it was the first time that I couldn't easily fix it. I had small issues with depression when I was a teenager, but the first real bout I remember was postpartum.  Five days after my first child was born, I remember having a complete breakdown in the car at the tennis courts where my husband was meeting his dad for a match.  I went from being completely independent to having a little person with me ALL THE TIME.  I know I'm not alone with this feeling.  I had to return to work in 5 weeks so we decided that I would pump now so my husband could bottle feed her from time to time and give me a break.  It worked and I was able to move on.  I struggled when my second...

New Year's Resolutions...Sort of

Happy New Year!  I'm a little late, but that's my life right now.  I have all sorts of things that I want to blog about, but I haven't had time.  Shortly after my last post my kids went on Christmas break.  Yeah, four kids at home all the time equals not a lot of "Me Time".  I'm not complaining; I love my kids, but that's why it's been a while.  They've returned to school and I've finally caught up enough to start blogging again. I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions.  The biggest reason is because I, like most people, don't keep them.  I also don't want to wait for an arbitrary date to decide to make changes.  I try to make them when I recognize the need.  This year is different, although it's more a matter of timing than it being a new year.  Over the last several weeks I've been really pondering over what I want and how to get it.  I've realized that I have pieces to many puzzles, but they're all mi...