Review of "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans" by Maria and Craig Emmerich

I started following a ketogenic diet about 7 months ago. I lost 15 pounds quite quickly, but then I started to feel... off. Without going into details, I'll simply say that last month it got to the point where I was starting to think something was seriously wrong and was researching doctors. Then I was given the opportunity to read Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans by Maria and Craig Emmerich.

I've been researching the ketogenic diet for quite awhile so when I started this book, I was a little skeptical that there was anything else I could learn. Not only was I wrong, but I also realized that a lot of what I had previously learned wasn't correct.  Craig and Maria have done a wonderful job breaking down the science in a way that's easy to understand. Their knowledge and experience show you how to be successful on keto and how to break through plateaus so you can achieve your health goals. This isn't a "this is how keto works for me and my body so it should work for you too" book.  It's a "this is how the human body works, how following a ketogenic diet affects the human body, and how you can be successful with keto - all based on science". There are also chapters dedicated to discussing the benefits of how keto can heal your body from diseases and disorders like fibromyalgia, fertility issues, skin disorders, thyroid issues, and mood disorders to name a few - it's not all about weight loss. I knew keto was a good way to eat, but I had no idea how many syndromes, diseases, and even cancers that can be reversed through a clean keto diet.

As I read, I found the answers to why I wasn't feeling right and how to fix it! It's only been a few weeks, but I'm already feeling better. This will definitely be a reference for me for years to come. If you're looking into the ketogenic diet, this book should definitely be where you start!

***If all you were interested in was my review of Keto, then you can stop reading here.  If you'd like to read a more personal perspective, then continue.***

Around the beginning of September, I started feeling off.  Up to this point, I had been following the ketogenic diet strictly.  I didn't eat more than 20 grams of carbs, around 70 grams of protein, and 100 grams of fat a day.  I lost around 15 pounds, had so much energy, and my brain fog was gone.  I felt great!  But then I didn't.  I don't know how to explain how I was feeling other than off.  I started searching for answers and stumbled upon a keto diet book at my library.  I started following her advice and tried to tweak it to my body, but it just wasn't working.  I've realized that I may not have been ready for her approach as I jumped in before I was fully fat-adapted.  I may try it again as I do love her work and she's helped me kick dairy by providing substitutions.

In early November, Maria Emmerich made a request on Instagram asking bloggers to write a review for the new book she and her husband, Craig, were writing called Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans. I'm all about free stuff and combined with it being about keto, I figured why not.  I responded that I would love to, but that my blog was still very young and wasn't sure if I had the audience that she was looking for.  She didn't mind and added me to the list.  I honestly didn't expect much from Keto.  I had read so much and thought I was on the right path to balance my hormones, so what more could I learn?  A lot, actually.

By mid-December I was a mess.  My periods had been slowly getting closer and closer for years, but after getting it for the third time in five weeks, losing my hair by the handfuls, and the depression, I was convinced that I needed medical intervention.  I even started researching diseases that run in my family so I could rule them out.  I had no idea how I was going to proceed.  Since it was so close to the holidays, I knew that it was unlikely that I could see a doctor before mid-January, so I just sucked it up and tried to enjoy them.

While I was waiting for the book to arrive, I read an excerpt that Craig shared on Instagram.  "MYTH 8: IF YOU ARE STALLED, ADD MORE FAT: ...Not losing weight? Eat more fat. Losing hair? Eat more fat.."  Craig goes on to explain why eating more fat isn't the answer and why adding more protein is.  (Click the link to see the full excerpt from his Instagram)  Whoa, hold the phone!  You mean to tell me that every time I read to eat more fat to fix "X" I really should've been eating more protein?  That would have been nice to know back in September!  Suddenly, not only did I realize there was a lot I didn't know about the science behind keto, but I wanted that book before all my hair fell out.

Shortly after Christmas, Keto and an unexpected copy of Maria's new cookbook, Easy Dairy-Free Ketogenic Recipes, arrived in the mail.  I was beyond excited.  Christmas was hard this year (grief is weird sometimes) so it was nice to have a small surprise.  I also want to add that I'm a religious person and had been praying for direction.  As I read Keto, I felt like I was being given the answers I needed and have since decided on how I want to proceed with the remaining issues I'm still having.

It's now been over a month since I started reading.  I've made small changes along the way as I felt them apply to me.  My eczema is finally clearing up.  That's huge because I was really struggling with keeping it under control.  For the first time in months, I feel GREAT again.  This is TMI (sorry Dad), but my period this month was 25 days later than the last.  I can't remember the last time my period was further apart than the last one!  That alone has me doing a happy dance.  I learned about Fat Flux and after following the suggestions, both my husband and I have started to lose weight again after a 2 month plateau.  I didn't start keto with weight loss as my goal, but I've definitely enjoyed slimming down.  For the first time since I started this journey, I finally feel like I've found what I've been looking for and it's all because of Craig and Maria Emmerich and their amazing book, Keto.

P.S. I love the cookbook too!  Maria's "Amazing Protein Shake" is just that - amazing!  You'll have to check out her cookbook for the recipe.


  1. I'm so glad that you were blessed with this book. Yay for feeling better and yay for regular periods!!! Love you!


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